Maeve and Maude are sending well wishes to their buddy, Cabby, who is recovering after having surgery this past week.
They wrote a poem for Cabby. Please excuse grammatical errors, unknown English words, poor rhyming abilities, etc. I'm sure Maya Angelou would be mortified to know we are calling this a poem, but. . .
Oh here's the tale of Cabby Q
you may have heard that she's feeling blue.
It isn't normal to hear her whine;
it's just that she doesn't feel so divine.
Oh here's the tale of Cabby's mom
you may have heard she's really the bomb
It isn't normal to see her sad
it's just that she doesn't like seeing Cabby feel so bad.

So here's to Cabby
we hope you feel better
So we can romp and play
in this beautiful weather
Maevis and Maude
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