We are going to cut to the chase this week and get right to our introduction of our Monday's Mutt. I'm sure that you will be singing this tune in your head after reading all about our mutt.
Her name was. . .
. . .she was a showgirl. With yellow feathers in her hair (er, fur) and a dress cut down to there. She would merengue and do the cha-cha. . .and while she tried to be a star, her mother always tended bar. . .
GT: Hola, Lola! I think it is obvious by your picture, but what is your breed?
GT: Or Lab for short, right? Taylor tells me I don't need to spell out the entire name of the dog. . .that everyone knows what a Lab is. See what I have to look forward to. . . Taylor telling me what to do?
Lola: I am SO excited for Taylor to come play with me!
GT: And how old are you?
Lola: I stopped counting at 4. I am loving my 20's.
Lola: Huh? I don't know Barry Manilow. I got my name because it's fun and sassy and not the norm. . .just like me.
GT: Where do you live?
Lola: I live in a 4-story house in uptown Charlotte. Still hoping for an elevator by mom says I need a job. Maybe this blog will make me famous.
GT: You and me both, sister!

GT: How long have you been with your family?
Lola: Since I was 8 weeks old. But my human mom visited me before I was born, at 2 weeks, at 4 weeks and at 6 weeks. So really. . .I've been in her heart and with her forever.
GT: How did you family find you?
Lola: Fate brought together the perfect match. (Honestly, I don't know what 'fate' means, but I hear my mom say it all the time so I'm going with it).

Lola: Walking by a table and sticking my tongue out to the side for a drive-by plate licking. I got one sausage from my Granddaddy's plate. That was a HUGE win and quite a reassurance that this truly is my best trick.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Lola: NOT my little sister Ruby. She is such a pest! So either the purple chucker my mom uses to throw my tennis ball. . .or maybe just the tennis ball. I guess I get a twofer if I go with the purple chucker, eh? But my mom is also my best friend because she LOVES me so much and spoils me rotten.
GT: What is your favorite food?
Lola: You name it and I'm game. Probably not the can of spam with maggots I ate in the park one day. . .but looking back, it probably wasn't as bad for me as it was my mom when she had to clean up the aftermath. Seriously, I eat everything! It's just too gross to mention here. I am a lab after all.
GT: Oh my. . .do you know Kootz? This must be a Lab thing.
GT: What is your worst habit:
Lola: See best trick. I have mad skills at sneaking food.
GT: Do you have any pet peeves?
Lola:See above for who is NOT my best friend. I have this little sister, Ruby, who came to our house in December. She steals my toys, steals my bed, sometimes she "tinkles" on my stuff. It is maddening. Although I do like to wrestle and play with her when my mom isn't looking. Shhhh. . .don't tell. I still get a little sympathy on this topic.

GT: What about a favorite TV show?
Lola: Not a TV gal. I LOVE the movie Cast Away. Everytime it comes on I watch it very passionately. When Tom Hanks yells on the island. . .I get really nervous, stand up and walk to the TV to make sure he is okay. I love that Tom Hanks. . .he comes out okay every single time. Do you think maybe Tom Hanks will read this blog and come find me?

GT: Wow. . .that would be nice, wouldn't it?
GT: What are your nicknames?
Lola: Lola Bear, Loly, Loly Poly, "My Best Girl"
GT: Do you have a favorite walk?
Lola: I live an a townhouse so I LOVE all my walks. But my mom takes me to Asheville once a year and I get to walk sans leash on 7 acres of private trails. I am a hunter, gatherer and adventurer. It is TRUE freedom.
GT: What is your favorite toy?
Lola: Tennis ball. Not sure if that counts as a toy. . .it's more of a lifestyle.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Lola: Loved
GT: Is there anything else you'd like everyone to know? Other than you'd like Tom Hanks to come meet you and you are hoping this blog makes you famous?
Lola: If anyone wants an 11-month old English Spaniel/Hound mix, I have one for you. Her name is Ruby and she is FREE to a good home. Please contact me directly at 1-800-BYE-RUBY. My mom might not view this 'opportunity' quite the same as me so please use that number only.

Peace Out, people!
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