Spanning the globe to bring you a constant variety of dogs. . .Monday's Mutt is like the wide world of dogs! It's a good think we only have the trill of seeing new pups appear each week and no drama. . .well, maybe SOME drama.
We're celebrating a couple of seconds and a couple of firsts here at Monday's Mutt. Considering the fact that I've never even been to Alaska, it's hard to believe this is the 2nd Alaskan dog we have featured. It is also the 2nd dog that belongs to friends I met while living in Okinawa. And this week, we feel especially privileged to feature the first mutt who has an owner currently serving our country in Iraq. Monday's Mutt has gone patriotic and we are so proud!
The family of this week's pup is currently stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage, Alaska. She has 3 adorable sisters that don't look anything like her. In fact, they are all brunettes and our pooch is a blondie! I am delighted to introduce the pup of these cutie patootiee lil cherubs.
Presenting. . .
GT: Alli Blake. . .what is your breed?
Alli: I am a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

GT: And how old are you?
Alli: I am 2 years old
GT: How did you get the name Alli?
Alli: Well. . .Maddie, Katie and Sarah had the privilege of naming me. A few of their choices were Sunshine and Rainbow, but mom encouraged them to go with Alli. Whew!
GT: Yes. . .good call, mom!

GT: Where do you live?
Alli: Right now I live in Eagle River, Alaska. I have also lived in Alabama.
GT: How long have you been with your family?
Alli: I have been with my family since I was 9 weeks old. My grandmother picked me up from the breeder because mom and dad were stuck in a snow storm on their way home from a ski trip. So I was waiting for them at Nonnie's house. I think Nonnie wanted to keep me!
GT: Who is in your family?
Alli: My mom, Jenn and my dad, Brett. There is also Madeline, Katie and Sarah. Oh, and one hermit crab. . .but I don't give him the time of day.
GT: How did your family find you?
Alli: My mom met several other Wheatens and fell in love (how could you not. . .I mean, look at me!). She tried to rescue one, but had a hard time. So she found me and I am SO glad she did.
GT: What is your best trick?
Alli: Playing keep-away. . .oh, and I'm REALLY good at
licking the girls' faces in the morning to wake them up for school.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Alli: I had two best friends, Deuce and Sitka, but they both had to move. Ah, the life of a military dog. I do miss them!

GT: What is your favorite food?
Alli: Anything on the table, the floor, the counter or in someone's hand. I am not partial.
GT: I'm having a hard time thinking that a dog as cute as you would have any bad habits, but I must ask. What is your worst habit?
Alli: Um, well, yes. . . sometimes I run away from my mom and dad. I just LOVE a good joy run. They don't ever seem too happy when they finally catch up with me.
GT: Do you have any pet peeves?
Alli: Oh yes, I have two pet peeves. I truly hate it when mom runs the vacuum. That thing scares me to death! Also, I am NOT a fan of the groomer.
GT: Do you have any nicknames, Alli?
Alli: Just a few. . .Alli Tally and Momma.
GT: What about a favorite walk?
Alli: Well. . .these days with my dad in Iraq, I'm not so lucky in the "go for a walk" department. Mom seems a little busy, but I know she means well. BUT. . .dad is due home this month. Woo-hoo! That means I'll get to go for more walks again!
GT: Do you have a favorite toy?
Alli: My kong. Period. I love that thing.
GT: And last but not least. . .a favorite TV show?
Alli: Do you really think I get a chance with the remote with three young girls in the house?
GT: Maybe you could work on them a bit and
get them to watch Animal Planet or something?
GT: What is one word to describe you. . .besides adorable, of course?
Alli: Companionable
Thank you, Alli, for being our special mutt this week. Please give Maddie, Katie and Sarah extra kisses from me! I miss you guys. . .

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