Last week we had our first guest appearance on Monday's Mutt. . .and this week we have our first dog who resides not only outside of the state of North Carolina, but also outside of the contiguous 48 states! It's a Mauve's Life and Monday's Mutts has hit the big time. Our cutie this week belongs to my college friend, Timi, and her husband, Harry.
Hailing from the land of whales, bears and eagles. . . Juneau, Alaska. . .I introduce you to:

GT: That is a really cool name, Kootz. How did you get your name?
Kootz: Well, even though I was born in Michigan I moved to Juneau, Alaska when I was six weeks old. In Juneau, the Alaska Native Culture is Tlingit and in the Tlingit language, Kootz is the word for 'brown bear'. So my mom and dad thought that would be a great name for me. Sometimes people get my name wrong, but as long as they pay attention to me I don't really mind.
GT: Wow. . .that is a pretty neat story. Hey. . .how are you feeling after your surgery last week?
Kootz: Much better now that I am allowed to eat. I didn't really understand why I wasn't able to eat dinner or breakfast. That really sucked.
GT: I hear you still act like a puppy, but can you tell everyone hold old you are?
Kootz: Actually, I will be 8 in May. That is still a puppy, right?
GT: Well, not really. . .you're almost a senior.
Kootz: Now, how would you like it if I called you a senior?
GT: Good point, Kootz. You're still a puppy and I'm still in my early 30's.
GT: So what breed of dog are you?
GT: How long have you been with your family?
Kootz: My grandma Gretchen picked me up from a farm in Michigan when I was 6 weeks old and toook me on an airplane ride. 12 looooong hours later I was with my mom and dad. I am the happiest dog in the world living in the rainforest of Juneau, Alaska. There is so much water and I get to swim a lot and when it is colder I get to jump in snow banks. I LOVE that.
GT: You sound kind of spoiled?
Kootz: Shhhh. . .don't say that word. That is my secret. My mom and dad have no idea what that means.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Kootz: Well, my mom and dad think they are. . .but that is another secret. A few years ago they brought me a little buddy who we named Gilligan. He is a cat and I pretend that I don't like him, but we have a great time together. I also like my other dog friends Diek, Quinn, Cedar and Autumn. My friend Kobe just moved to Oregon and I miss her.
GT: What about a favorite food? Knowing that you had to skip a few meals last week. . .I get the feeling this may be a loaded question?
Kootz: Geez, do I have a bad reputation? I really like whatever is in the garbage can. I know I'm not supposed to get into the garbage, but I just cannot help myself. I just have to investigate human food. My dry food mixed with green beans gets old after a while.
GT: Oh boy. . .you lead me right into my next question. What is your worst habit?
Kootz: Yea, getting into the garbage. Not so nice. I also like to climb on the kitchen table and watch for my mom and dad to come home. They don't like me up there, but it is the only place I can lay AND see out the windows. I'm not 6 feet tall you know. I just want to see them. . .I don't mean to scratch the kitchen table.
GT: Do you have any pet peeves?
Kootz: Yes, it makes me sad when people think that I am mean just because I am big. I LOVE people and I think everyone loves me. . .but sometimes I am wrong. Those licks and kisses. . .it's all about the love, people.
GT: Do you have any nicknames, Kootz?
Kootz: "Flip my ear back dog". . ."No, No, Bad dog" and "Buddy" are all the things my mom and dad say to me often.
GT: I hear you've been to the vet a few times. What happened?
Kootz: Well, 4 years ago I did something to my knee. I got on an airplane and went to a special doctor in Anchorage. It was fun until my dad left me. I went to sleep and when I woke up the doctor did something to my leg. It took MONTHS for it to heal, but it's all better now. I try to be more careful walking on the ice now.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Kootz: Tail wagger! (That is 2 words, but I couldn't think of one.)
GT: It's okay, Kootz. It's a compound word so I'll accept it.
GT: Do you ever wish you had stayed in Michigan on the farm with your siblings?
Kootz: Heck no. I'm the luckiest lab in the world. My mom and dad take me everywhere with them. And when they go away, I have a great house sitters that come to stay with me. Sometimes our neighbor, Marg (I call her Grandma Marg) sneaks over and takes me on walks. I am so lucky.
GT: Anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Kootz: I love, love, love pig ears, raw hides and any other treat from our laundry room. Sometimes I sit there and stare at the bins thinking that if I sit there and stare long enough, one might just fall on the floor.
GT: Pig ears? That sounds disgusting.
Kootz: Hey. . .don't knock till you try it!
GT: Kootz, do you like it when your family has company from the lower 48?
Kootz: I LOVE it and I want everyone to know that they are welcome to come here anytime and visit as long as I get to go on hikes and walk with them. Come visit me in Juneau. Just don't spill any of my secrets with the 'rents.
GT: I promise, Kootz. Your secret is safe with me. Thank you so much for being our very special guest this week!
thanks for interviewing my baby... is a doll if I do say so myself.
I cannot believe that picture of him with the cat... Oh that is cute. or the one with all the trash all over... What a great dog.
Way to go Kootz! That donkey on Shrek ain't got nothing on you! See'ya soon! Your buddy, Jorge
we sat around and laughed a lot tonight as we read about my 'grandbaby'Kootz. I sure had fun flying with him to Alaska and the flight attendants thought he was adorable and so do I. i won't tell his secrets
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