Monday's Mutt is back in the QC (that's fancy talk. . .kind of like the OC, get it?) this week with most exciting news to share with our mutts' and their friends. We are being featured in a magazine called Angel Tales out of Chicago. It's all quite exciting and Maeve and Maude are rummaging through their duds searching for red carpet attire as I write. I need to break the news that it's not quite like being in the movies, but hey. . .it's pretty darn close.
So, back to this week's humble mutt who actually has two homes in which she leisurely splits her time. . .Charlotte, NC and Hilton Head Island, SC. We at Monday's Mutt have quite a fondness for this week's pup, as we've known her since she first arrived in Charlotte almost 4 years ago.
I'm turning the introductory duties over to Maude who has this unrealistic impression that she is Luna's great protector. Little does she know this mutt could squish her like a bug. . .but anywho. . .
Maude proudly presents her special buddy,
GT: Luney Tunes! We need to start out telling everyone your breed, as I'm sure your picture left everyone wondering.
GT: And how old are you?
Luna: I will be 4 in March. And to tell you the dog honest truth, I'm thinking about a little botox on the brows. I'm SO tired of comments from my mom's friends about my furrowed brows.

GT: And where do you live?
Luna: I live in Cornelius on Lake Norman. I don't like to swim (um, I sink. . .you try swimming when you're this top heavy) but I do make my dad take me out on the boat when it's warm. I stand at the front of our boat and my ears fly up like airplane wings. Dad says I steer the boat that way.
GT: You know, I'm thinking that all that time in the boat is the reason for the furrowed brows. Maybe you should start with a little sunscreen and perhaps eye cream instead of Botox?

GT: How did you get your name?
Luna: My mom watched some movie called Moonstruck with Cher and Nicholas Cage. There is a scene where an old little Italian man is walking his dogs and sees a beautiful full moon. He stops his dogs and tells them to howl at the "bella luna" or beautiful moon. So Mom thought Luna was a good name for a dog and she just waited for a dog as beautiful as me to come along (okay, I just threw that part in. . .she didn't really say that, but I'm sure she was thinking it).
GT: How long have you been with your family?
Luna: 21 years going on 28 years for you human folk. For those of you that can't do the math, that's 3 years and 9 months in dog years.
GT: So we know you have a mom and a dad. Who else is in your family?
Luna: It's just me and mom. Well, sometimes I notice dad around and this other dog they call Cabby. I love her and all, but she can be a little pest. Honestly, I'm a little obsessed with my mom.
GT: How did your family find you?
Luna: My mom was on some weird highway called the internet? I'm still trying to find that highway because there is a breeder selling pint sized Mastiffs. But I've been on just about every highway in North Carolina, I-77, I-85, I-40. . .and frankly, I'm exhausted.
GT: Oh, your mom found you on the information super highway. . .that's the internet. The computer.
Luna: Now you tell me. That piece of information would have been very useful. Now it all makes sense. No wonder she found out that my birth mum was a cousin to my current mom's first mastiff. I really need to pull out the genealogy charts and this is family tree stuff is way outside my realm of understanding.
GT: What is your best trick?
Luna: I can open doors with my nose. Ta, da! Still working on closing them though. My mom says I have no manners. At least I don't potty in the house, mom.

GT: Who is your best friend?
Luna: My mom. And when she isn't around, Cabby. Cabby is my little sister. . .and she acts like one too. . .but we never fight like human sisters do. She just gets on my last nerve at times.
GT: What is your favorite food:
Luna: Carrots, broccoli or chicken. I'm a little spoiled.
GT: I'll say. What ever happened to good old-fashioned dog food?
GT: What is your worst habit?
Luna: I get jealous when my sister takes all the rawhide bones. So, I stand at the door and pretend to want to go outside (you know. . . the messee becomes the messor). My sister always falls for this and will drop the bone and run past me and go outside. Ha, ha. . .works like a charm. When she is outside, I turn away from the door and run and get the bone. I am a bit sneaky. . . I prefer to think of it as clever.
GT: Do you have any pet peeves?
Luna: I hate loud noises and don't like it when anyone is upset. If anyone is sad, bummed out, bothered I will leave the room and hide as far away as possible. Mom says I'm sensitive and can tell if someone is upset even if they don't raise their voice.
GT: Do you have any nicknames, Luna bug?
Luna: Oh yes. . .don't we all? Luna bear, Lunesta, Loon, Loona-ba-boona (my uncle calls me that), Luney, Luney Tunes, Luna-tic

GT: What about a favorite walk?
Luna: I LOVE to go to the beach when we are in Hilton Head. I love to run with my sister and chase her.
GT: Favorite activity?
Luna: My favorite activity is cuddling. I think God may have put me in the wrong body. Accidentally, of course. My mom and dad say that I am the most loving and cuddly dog they have ever met. I will try to crawl in your lap if you let me. My head is the only thing that will fit though.
GT: Oh yea, remember that time when you were at my house and you tried to come in through the dog door? Only your head fit. So your head was inside the house and your body was outside. That was SO cute.
Luna: Was that supposed to be funny?
GT: Okay, only one more favorites question. Promise. What about favorite toy?
Luna: My dad. Definitely. He is fun to play with and boss around. Second to that, rawhide bones (only the ones I steal from my sister). The others I really don't care much about.
GT: What is one word or phrase to describe you?
Luna: I'm a lover, not a fighter.
GT: Aw, so true Luna. Anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Luna: Mom says I remind her of a book she read as a child called "Ferdinand the Bull". He was a sweet bull who preferred to sit and smell the flowers than be mean like the other bulls. That's me.
For your viewing pleasure (and for those of you who are wracking your brains trying to remember Ferdinand). . .
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