All I Wanna Do is have some fun. . .or shall I say. . . I'm California Dreamin'. Did you all know there is a song by Liz Phair titled 'Dogs of LA'? Too bad the lyrics aren't 'G' rated or I would have posted them here. Need to protect the innocent ears of our young readers. Our mutt this week could actually have his own personal song. . .
Well I'm Orlando born and raised
But nowadays I'm lost between two shores
LA's fine but it ain't home
Orlando's home but it ain't mine no more. . .
Monday's Mutt is full of song this week as we land in the entertainment mecca of the US. And since yours truly, the one and only Monday's Mutt blogger, is quite the star-struck celebrity gawker, it only seems appropriate that we highlight everything LA.
Known for its mediterranean climate, propensity to earthquakes, The 101, beautiful beaches, the motion picture industry as well as being the home to many famous celebrities. And to top it off. . .It NEVER rains in California.
Our mutt this week is fully engrained in the entertainment industry since his mommy works in the music industry AND his grandmommy. . .well, I'm not exactly sure what she does other than attend award shows and schmooze with celebs. I am jealous. . .can you tell?
This spunky pup belongs to yet another former neighbor. . .I proudly introduce you to:
'Prince' Bailey
GT: Bailey! What is your breed?
Bailey: I am 110% miniature pinscher
GT: 110%? But you do realize that 100% is the highest you can go, right?
Bailey: Well. . .yes. . .I am 100% mini pin but I have an extra 10% personality!

GT: How old are you?
Bailey: I will be 7 on July 30. . .or is it the 31st? 30 days has September, April, June and November. So I guess it is really July 30, but the vet papers my mommy got when she rescued me each say on of those dates. . .so I prefer we celebrate both.
GT: Where do you live?
Bailey: I live with my grandmommy in Studio City, CA. You see. . .my mom and dad's apartment doesn't allow them to have pets of any kind (even cute, adorable, charming me. . .can you believe it?) so grandma has let me take over her house. So I love her and play with her in return.

GT: How did you get your name, Bailey?
Bailey: My name was Bailey when my mommy rescued me. She loved it so much that I think she even changed some of my vet papers to say Prince Bailey. But now I think that means that I am royal? I really don't get it.
GT: How long have you been with the royal family? Er, I mean your family?
Bailey: I've been with mommy since July 0f 2005. She got me while she was in college in Orlando. Then in August of 2006 we both moved all the way to Los Angeles to hang out with grandma.
GT: How did you family find you?
Bailey: Mommy found me on the internet at the miniature pinscher rescue. She knew she wanted a mini pin (can you blame her?) so she found a foster home in Tampa and actually went to look at a girl puppy named Princess. She THOUGHT she wanted a pink dog bed and girly stuff (ew!). . .but when she got there I liked her WAY more than princess did. So I came up with this plan that I would sit in her lap and lick her and lick her and lick her until she gave in and took me home with her. And it worked! But wait. . .you know, now that I'm thinking about it. . .maybe this "Princess" story is why I'm now a "Prince". . .does that mean both of us are royal? Hmmm. . .
GT: What is your best trick?
Bailey: Oh boy. . .I am super good with the basic 'sit', 'stay', 'lay' and 'paw'. But to be perfectly honest, those are the ones that get me treats so that is the only reason I do them. There are also a few toy names I know well, so when anyone tells me to "go get ducky" or "go get fishy" I totally (like that?. . .I threw in that valley girl speak just for y'all) know what they are talking about. But get this. . .when I do exactly what they say. . .all they do is throw it across the darn room. How lazy is that? So I have to attack that person. Don't worry. . .it's a nice attack meant to be a friendly reminder to get me a treat. But they STILL don't get it. They just throw it again. One of these days I am going to fake them out. . .when they say "go get ducky" I'm going to grab fishy. Shhh. . .don't tell them. Let's see if they figure it out.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Bailey: Well, there are three kinds of best friends you know.
GT: Oh really? This I've gotta hear. . .
Bailey: Yes. . .there are stuffed, people and pup friends. My best stuffed friend is Bobby Sherman. Now I know you are thinking, "Bailey. . .you know Bobby Sherman is not stuffed, don't you?" You are correct. . .he's not stuffed. . .but let me explain. My mom bought this toy and wanted a better name than the average "ducky" or "fishy". . .so she named my pink squeaky elephant after Bobby Sherman, the pop star of the 60s. And yes. . .he is AWESOME. Okay. . . moving on to my best people friend, Grandma. I see her the mostest and she has the most comfy bed ever. And she gives me treats AND lets me take over her furniture. Now, my bestest pup friend is my neighbor Henry. He is a big Chow (about 6 times my size). My grandmommy says he doesn't like most people, but he sure loves me. We are best pals. I love walking to his house when grandma and I go for walks.
GT: What is your favorite food?
Bailey: POPCORN! I love eating it, poking it, staring at it, chasing it. Next year I think I might even trim the Christmas tree with it. I kind of get scared when it pops, but I LOVE it when it pops off the counter and onto the floor. Then I know it's MINE. You see. . .I am allergic to beef and some types of fish (not cool) so there are a lot of treats out there I don't get to eat. So it's extra special when I get popcorn.
GT: I'm not sure if princes have bad habits, but what is your worst habit?
Bailey: Umm, well. . .see. . .I love cylinder shapes. Plastic bottles of any kind, paper towel rolls and toilet paper rolls are my favorite things EVER. The only problem with them is that they try to escape as I chase and poke at them. But as much fun as they are, I kind of shred the paper products to pieces. . .and somehow I manage to open the plastic bottle tops. You know, that should be a talent. . .not a bad habit. I need to tell my mom that.
GT: What about pet peeves?
Bailey: I hate doorbells and buzzers. I'm really good about NOT barking much unless either of those sounds occur. . .then look out! My thoughts are this. . .just come on in. . .there is really no need to create such a raucous beforehand, right? Oh, another pet peeve is that I cannot stand it when people stare at me and move their eyebrows. Is that really necessary? Grandma does it just to bug me, but honestly. . .aren't eyebrows kind of useless anyway? Okay. . .my last pet peeve that everyone seems to find funny (which I do NOT) is this lip synch/singing thing people do sometimes. Why? When all that dancing and singing starts in my house. . .it's all over. I run around in circles and jump and bark (all the while people think it's funny, mind you!) and I try to make a fuss. But everyone just laughs at me. What? How can one enjoy such an activity? I just don't get it and I would really appreciate it if they just stopped.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Bailey: FUN! Really, I am super fun!
GT: What about nicknames, Bailey. Do you have any?
Bailey: Oy. . .I don't understand half of these, but whatever. I've learned to accept it and just answer to them. Buppy Luppy, Puppet (no, I am not. . .thank you), Bailey Boo, Puppy (how original, huh?), Buhby (my grandma must be Yiddish or something), Little Buddy. . .
GT: What about a favorite walk, or maybe a favorite park?
Bailey: I really miss the doggy park in Orlando. It was on a lake so there was a park, playground and a beach! And when I first moved to LA. . .mommy and grandmommy had a house together. Mommy called it the treehouse, but it looked like we lived in a mountain. I never really understood, but it had a super neat backyard and I got to see real deer! But where I live now has more people, and there is even a courtyard in grandma's complex where I walk a lot. . .and I get to see all my peeps like Shae, Nicolette, Susie, Ron, Dave, Nancy, Elias and Alison.
GT: Anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Bailey: Well, not only do I have the best mommy and daddy and the best grandma, but I also have the bestest great-grandma and great-grandpa that live in Charlotte (where you are. . .you know them, right??). I've never actually lived there, but I got to ride on a plane to visit them at Christmas and they took such good care of me. There were like a gazillion rooms to run through. Sometimes I wish NC and CA were closer so I could see them more. I just know that I am a very lucky boy to have so many people who love me!

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