Monday's Mutt is coming back with one teeny weeny exception. We are going to have a Monthly Monday's Mutt. Get it? Monthly Monday's Mutt. We stuck with the Monday's Mutt theme but changed it to monthly instead of weekly. Yours truly would really like to continue the weekly posts, but frankly between working and one particular 14-year old requiring a lot of my attention (which should be a completely different blog topic). . .it's just a little too insane.
We're back!
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monday's mutt
Okay. . .so just like the kids on summer vacation and the celebrities on hiatus from their TV shows, Monday's Mutt is taking the summer off. We're trying to get ready for our new tenant to arrive in July, but we will definitely be back this fall. So watch out world. . .
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monday's mutt
We're soooo excited to feature a doggie that is also a Facebook friend. Yowza! Now Monday's Mutt is hip too. . .maybe we should start tweeting.
Phoebe: I am 10 human years. I don't mean to brag, but with the exception of a dash of salt n' pepper around my muzzle, I look darn good for my age.
Phoebe: I am a dark brindle cairn terrier. Our posse originates from the United Kingdom. Beloved and plucky companions, we have been favorite pets and loyal friends throughout history. Our most famous representative is Toto from the Wizard of Oz, but if you ask me, Toto could have used some grooming and a little pupperoni on his bones. (I'm just sayin'.)
Phoebe: I believe I was named after Lisa Kudrow's character on "Friends" for my free spirited yet strong-willed nature and psychic abilities.

Phoebe: I like to give humans high fives. Sometimes they are unprompted if I think

GT: Who is your best friend?
Phoebe: My family tries to be disciplined about not giving me too many treats or human food? I know -- it sucks. But when I get to indulge, I can really get down on some pupperoni, carrot sticks and I love, LOVE, love popcorn, especially kettle pop.
Phoebe: Well, I really like to smell. Everything. So I guess that could be a little annoying if my humans want to walk, say, a block in less than ten minutes.
Phoebe: Do NOT get me started on skateboarders. Or the chipmunks who taunt me. Or the enormous monsters who clop-clop and drag carriages Uptown.
GT: What is your favorite TV show?
GT: Do you have any nicknames?
Phoebe: Phoebs, Phoebster, the Phoebola Virus, Phoebacca, Phoebe Lou.
GT: What about a favorite walk?
Phoebe: Just give me a sidewalk and lots of smells and I'm a happy camper. Recently, Carolyn has taken me to the new dog park on Sycamore and the Dog Bar. I was really shy at first, but it got better when there were free treats.
GT: Do you have a favorite toy?
GT: What is one word to describe you?
GT: Anything else you’d like everyone to know?

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get well soon!
Maeve and Maude are sending well wishes to their buddy, Cabby, who is recovering after having surgery this past week.
Oh here's the tale of Cabby Q
you may have heard that she's feeling blue.
It isn't normal to hear her whine;
it's just that she doesn't feel so divine.

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monday's mutt
We are back in my home state of Michigan this week. Not quite in my hometown of Kalamazoo (which I am working on). . .but we're getting close. This week's mutt belongs to my dear friend from the school formerly known as Msgr. John R. Hackett High School.

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