Monday's Mutt is back from vacation. Sad, but true. If only I could find a way to blog full-time and ditch this work thing. Anywhoo. . .we are back in Mecklenburg county this week. Acutally we're in Cornelius and on Lake Norman. . .just north of Charlotte and next door to Luna.
We also have yet ANOTHER Monday's Mutt first. I believe that quite possibly, this might be the first pup that actually rides to work in a helicopter. Come to think of it, it's the first pup that even goes to work!
Sign me up. . .
Swiper is a 3 year-old Australian Cattle Dog mix who is loved by the Adkins family.
GT: Swiper. . .please do tell how you got your name.
Swiper: Well, since I have a mask around my eyes, my dad came up with Swiper like the fox from Dora the Explorer. But unlike that Swiper, I've gotten much better about swiping. Notice I said "getting better". . .I'm not perfect ya know. My big sister, Nadia, thinks I have the coolest name!
GT: How long have you been with your family?
Swiper: A little over two years.
GT: How did your family find you?
Swiper: I am one of over 1500 dogs that was rescued by the Adkins Pet Center, a NO-KILL animal rescue place my dad and uncle opened about 3 years ago.
GT: What is your best trick?

Swiper: I'd say the best of the best is when I get to boss my big brother around. His name is Vince and he is a cat. I consider it a trick because most of the time he abuses me and bosses me around. . .even though I'm almost 3 times his size!
GT: Who is your best friend?
Swiper: Hmmm. . .this one is pretty easy to answer. It's my daddy, of course! He takes me everywhere with him. . .the office, flying in the helicopter, driving the boat. It's like Planes, Trains and Automobiles for ole Swiper! The only car I don't get to ride in is the Bentley. And since my dad wants me everywhere, he'd rather not drive it and keeps it in the garage instead. Now that is pure LOVE, don't ya think?
GT: Do you have a favorite food?
Swiper: Anything that goes into my parent's mouth. I know that is bad, but I cannot help it. I may have a problem.
GT: What is your worst habit?
Swiper: Are you kidding me? Are you implying that I have bad habits? I am the perfect dog. . .with the exception of a little flatulence every now and then.
GT: How about pet peeves?
Swiper: Being left alone. I can't take it. I'd much rather go everywhere and sleep in the car than be left alone. Oh, and one other thing. I really don't like being dressed up for Halloween. Did you hear that mom and dad? Humiliating!
GT: Do you have a favorite TV show?
Swiper: Don't know what this says about today's TV quality. . .other than it puts me to sleep everytime.
GT: What are your nicknames?
Swiper: Swipe, Swipenator, Sniper, Switzer
GT: Do you have a favorite walk?
Swiper: I love it when my dad takes me to our farm in the mountains and I get to run everywhere. He loves to cut grass and I like to follow him back and forth while he's on the mower. . .all day long! When we get home, my mommy says, "You've got green socks again boy". . .every single time.
GT: What about a favorite toy?
Swiper: I love to bust exercise balls. It's so much fun! My mom hides them now. . .guess I've done enough damage.
GT: What is one word that describes you?
Swiper: Just one? With all my good story telling today, don't you think I deserve a few? How about PERFECT? There is one word. Sums me up.
GT: Anything else you'd like everyone else to know?
Swiper: Ah, yes. I'd also like to mention that I love my family very much. Even though I am veerrrrrry laid back under most circumstances, I do feel that it is my job to protect my family So if you come to my house and ring the doorbell, the hair on my back will stand up and my bark will get very deep. So consider this your warning. Oh, and my dad is my hero and main man. My mom? Yea, she's cool too but she's not a fan of sharing her table food. But I just turn on a little Swiper charm and she gives in. Funny, eh?
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