Well, well. . .look what we have here. Yet another first here at Monday's Mutt. Our first ever rebuttal. Remember Lola who was trying to give her new sister away? Well that little sister has spoken and is letting the world know that she's quite content in her new home and has no plans to leave.
This spunky mutt is a comedienne by day and moonlights on the side as my copy editor. Yes, she is quite talented. Her specialty is grammar and spelling.
Introducing. . .
Ruby is a year old. . .umm. . mixed breed who seems to think that telling her breed is like telling her age.
GT: Okay, Ruby. . .spill it. What is your breed?
Ruby: I prefer being a lady of mystery. Some might say part English Spaniel/ part American Foxhound. . .maybe a splash of Beagle. But a real lady never tells.
GT: Where do you live. . .ye lady of mysterious breed?
Ruby: I've lived all over but I much prefer my house in uptown Charlotte with my mom and sister to those cold concrete floors of the Gaston Pound. (That is where I'm originally from. . .G-Town. . .just like Fred Durst).
GT: How did you get your name?
Ruby: My mom decided I needed a new name to start my new
life. So. . .after a VERY lively contest engaging my mom's family for 3 days during Thanksgiving. . .my mom decided to scrap all their ideas and call me Ruby. This was decided once she learned that the energy from a ruby is intense and vibrant. Just ask my laid back sister. . .intensity is my specialty.

GT: How long have you been with your family?
Ruby: I moved in on December 15, 2008. I like to think of it as an early Christmas present for my family.
GT: How did your family find you?
Ruby: I was living with a foster family and they posted my cute mug on petfinder.com. And. . .although my mom (my adopted mom I have now) supposedly she wasn't in the market for a new dog. . .but she saw my face, read my story and prayed that the family ahead of her on the list to adopt me would change their mind. And ta-da. . .here I am!
GT: What is your best trick?
Ruby: I have several. One is a beautifully choreographed "toot" when I am asked to sit and shake. And this is a new one. . .I just learned how to stick my entire face into my water bowl and blow air out of my nose. . .just like a fish!
GT: Who is your best friend?
Ruby: Well, despite the fact that she tried to pretend I don't exist. . .my sister, Lola. But I frequently get the cold shoulder from her, so I go snuggle with mom.
See. . .me and Lola. BFF.

GT: Do you have a favorite food?
Ruby: Whatever my mom or sister is eating. I want a piece of the action.
GT: What is your worst habit?
Ruby: Well, you know. . .I consider myself very helpful around the house. But my mom doesn't seem to think that turning her closed toe shoes into open toe shoes for the spring season isn't the best quality.
GT: What about pet peeves? Any of those?
Ruby: Oh my. . .yes I do have one huge pet peeve. I really didn't appreciate it
when my sister, Lola, told the WORLD on Monday's Mutt that I am annoying. And then she had the nerve to arrange a private adoption for me. Ridiculous. Despite tinkling on her bed (only once I might add), stealing her toys, biting her legs when she tries to walk and taking just a wee bit of mom's attention. . .I am a great dog, sister. And a great sister to boot. Just yesterday when we were at the vet and they took Lola in the back for her check-up, I stared at the door and cried the whole time. I missed her and was worried about her. When it was my turn to get my check-up. . .she had the nerve to wag her tail and was actually smiling. Can't a puppy catch a break?
GT: What is your favorite TV show?
Ruby: The one outside my mom's office window. There are these two squirrels that have a lively production in a nearby tree. I am hoping to make a guest appearance one day and get those crazy squirrels when I want them.
GT: Do you have any nicknames?
Ruby: Ruby Duby, Duby Doo, Monkey

GT: What about a favorite walk?
Ruby: I LOVE all walks. I really love the uptown dog park too. There are so many friends to chase. . .and they like to wrestle too. I can also chase my sister and bite at her legs as she tries to fetch her tennis ball.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Ruby: Loving
GT: Anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Ruby: Yes, that not a day goes by that I don't make my mom laugh. She says it is something about the fact that I make funny faces and have eyebrows like a human. And. . .I know that I am super adorable but I am NOT up for adoption. . .despite Lola's deceptive advertising in her Monday's Mutt debut.

Nighty Night. . .
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