We are celebrating Easter Monday here at Monday 's Mutt. No jelly beans or Reese's eggs in our Easter Baskets. . .just tasty treats from Barbara's Canine Cafe. Yummmo!
This week's adorable pooch is the aunt of Luna. Yes. . .you read that right. The aunt of big Luna. She was a gift to her mother from her sister who is Luna's mother. Confusing, I know.
Without further adieu. . .I proudly introduce. . .
Dixie Mae
GT: What is your breed?
Dixie Mae: I am a Terrier mix. Actually, my birth certificate says that I am a
Rottweiler/Chow mix. Boy, were they wrong!
GT: How old are you Dixie Mae?
Dixie Mae: I am 14 years and 1 month young. I am still quite perky for a dog my age.
GT: And how in the world did you get the name Dixie Mae?
Dixie Mae: I was adopted from the Denton, Texas pound so I am a true southern gal. I got my double name from being a southern dog. . .kind of like Betty Sue or Bobbie Jo or Ida Lou.
GT: And where do you live?
Dixie Mae: I live with lots of other senior citizen in Sun City, Hilton Head, SC. And no. . .there is not a minimum age limit for canines at Sun City.
GT: How long have you been with your family?
Dixie Mae: I have been with Rita P. and John for 13 years and 7 months.

GT: What is your best trick?
Dixie Mae: Pretending not to hear when I am called. You should try it sometime. You just walk in the complete opposite direction of the voice. It works like a charm! I also like to rub my belly along the floor. . .kind of like my own personal massage.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Dixie Mae: Unfortunately, my best friend happens to be a cat, Domino. Domino is grumpy almost all the time. . .and I have to share a bedroom with him.
GT: Do you have a favorite food?

Dixie Mae: People food is definitely my favorite. . .especially off my mother's plate. Mmmm, mmm. . .finger lickin' good!
GT: What is your worst habit?
Dixie Mae: Hmmm. . .I must admit that I eat Domino's food when no one is looking. But no one has figured it out yet so please don't write this, or I'll tell everyone I was mis-quoted.
GT: How about any pet peeves?
Dixie Mae: Yes, it really irks me when Domino gets to my bed first at night and sleeps in it. Then I have to stand up all night or sleep on the stone cold floor.
GT: Okay. . .let me get this straight. Your best friend is Domino, yet he is always grumpy and he steals your bed?
Dixie Mae: Yeah. I may need to re-think this one.
GT: Do you have a favorite TV show?
Dixie Mae: Dr. Phil! My mom likes it too. My dad thinks it is stupid.
GT: What are your nicknames?
Dixie Mae: Dixie Doodles and DD.
GT: Do you have a favorite park?
Dixie Mae: Definitely the Sun City dog park. It's my favorite place in the whole world and I get to go there everyday. I meet all my doggie friends and romp around the park with them. The smells at the dog park are unbelievable.
GT: Hmm. . .not sure I'd put dog park smell and unbelievable in the same sentence.
GT: What about a favorite toy?
Dixie Mae: I like chewy toys.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Dixie Mae: C'mon. Just one word? I have way too many good qualities to only give you one word. . .so I'm going with loyal, lovable, perky, sweet, patient, kind and quiet.
GT: Anything else you'd like everyone else to know?
Dixie Mae: Ask me that question again in 14 years!

Hope y'all had a Happy Easter! (My southern roots are coming out. . .)
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