We went from north to south but Monday's Mutt is back in Charlotte. Our buddy this week belongs to my dear friend, Colleen, and enjoys hanging out with our very own Maude and Maeve (well, maybe not so much Maeve but definitely Maude). It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the adorable. . .

GT: Sadie Louise. I've been seeing a lot of you lately.
Sadie: Yes, you are quite lucky Miss Gail!
GT: Can you tell everyone your breed?
Sadie: I'm a Border Collie and something else. My mom thinks maybe Brittany Spaniel because of my speckled paws or a Beagle 'cause I like to "talk".
GT: How did you get your name?
Sadie: It came with me when I went to live with my mom.
GT: And how did your mom find you?
Sadie: She found me though a rescue called Precious Paws in Charlotte. They rescue Cocker Spaniels, but when they saw me in a high kill shelter in Ohio they took me out and drove me to NC. I love Precious Paws.
GT: What is your best trick, Sadie?
Sadie: Shaking paws, lying down, speaking. . .all of them at once if it will get me the treat faster! I'm pretty good at yoga too (as modeled in the picture below, I am a pro at 'frog').
GT: Who is your best friend?
Sadie: Duh, that is pretty obvious. My mom, of course.

GT: Do you have a favorite food?
Sadie: Cheese. Any kind of cheese. String cheese, velveeta cheese, american cheese, cheese gumbo, BBQ cheese. Ooops. . .I'm getting carried away, aren't I?
GT: What is your worst habit?
Sadie: Jumping on people while I'm on a walk. This doesn't make my mom happy.
GT: I hear you like to stand on furniture too?
Sadie: Um, that was supposed to stay between you and me. My mom wasn't very happy about that either.
GT: Any pet peeves?
Sadie: Water. Not drinking water, bath water. I hate getting baths! And my mom talking to me in baby talk. . .I'm all grown up now, Mom!
GT: Do you have any nicknames?
Sadie: Saderlicious, Chubalicious (I currently have a teeny thyroid problem and a few extra pounds. . .I like to think of it as my winter coat), Principessa, Boogie-girl, Pupcake, Sades, Lou-Lou (my middle name is Louise). You call me Sadie Saderson from Sadeville.
GT: Do you have a favorite walk?
Sadie: The 12th green at Providence Country Club. I used to run around like crazy there when I lived at Indie's house.
GT: What about a favorite toy?
Sadie: My flying squirrel and my stuffed mallard duck. They were Christmas gifts from my cousins. I also REALLY liked that rope and tennis ball thing that Maeve chewed.
GT: Oh yes, Maeve. She is very sorry that she chewed up your toy and she is especially sorry for taking a chunk out of your bed.
Sadie: That's okay. I'll just leave my toys at home next time I come over.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Sadie: Loyal.
GT: Oh, that is a good one. You are very loyal.
GT: Is there anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Sadie: Just to tell everyone they should consider owning a shelter dog. We are the best kind out there. If you care for us, we will give you our heart forever. . .

Sadie makes her blogspot debut. How cool! She would also like you to know that she loves coming to Aunt Reba's house because she gets treats like organic chicken sausage and turkey bacon.
Hence the "winter coat"...
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