It's a great week for Monday's Mutt to make its debut in my home state of Michigan as we are hopping on the Michigan State Spartans bandwagon! Not only did MSU make it into the Final Four, but they will play in Detroit which is the hometown of this week's lovely mutt. I didn't attend college at Michigan State, but I did go to Hillsdale College with the owner of our weekly cutie. In fact, she was my Chi Omega little sis. I very proudly present. . .
Lilly is a 7 year-old Collie/German Shephard mix who is loved by the Gwizdz/Lehnertz family.
GT: Where in Michigan do you live, Lilly?
Lilly: I live in Royal Oak, MI. I'd do that mitten trick those Michigan folk do to show where they live, but I can't find a thumb on my paw.
GT: How did you get your name?
Lilly: My human grandma named me when I was 8 weeks old. I love flowers so it's very appropriate.
GT: How long have you been with your family?
Lilly: All 7 years!
GT: How did your family find you?
Lilly: They found me in an ad in the newspaper for lab pups. . .even though I'm not
a lab and don't look much like one.
GT: What is your best trick?
Lilly: Jumping off the dock into Higgins Lake.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Lilly: My mom
GT: What is your favorite food?
Lilly: Table scraps of any sort, but meat and chocolate are number one!
GT: Lilly. . .don't you go sneaking any Easter chocolate. That is poisonous for you!
Lilly: You are ruining all my fun. Just a little bit. . .that's all I eat.
GT: Do you have any bad habits?
Lilly: Just begging for food. That's not too bad, is it?
GT: Do you have any pet peeves?
Lilly: When my family leaves for the day. And I don't like those little yippy dogs that bark a lot. They really get on my nerves.
GT: What about TV? Do you have a favorite TV show?
Lilly: I love The Dog Whisperer.
GT: What nicknames do you have?
Lilly: Lilly Pusion. And don't ask me what that means.
GT: Any favorite walks?
Lilly: I love the park at the end of our street. It's called Elks Park.
GT: What about a favorite toy?
Lilly: Um, I'm not sure this is really supposed to be a 'toy'. . .but I love to play tug-of-war with the kitchen towels that I grab from the towel bar.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Lilly: Sweet
GT: Anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Lilly: I like to hug in the morning and I love sleeping on freshly made beds. . .especially if they have cozy comforters.

Lilly enjoying a cozy comforter!
PS. . .Test your 'How Michigan are you?' skills!
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