Monday's Mutt is back in the 'lower 48' this week featuring a pooch who became my buddy while living far, far away from any US state. Sherry and Abe, my friends I met while living in Japan, own this spunky pup.
Joining us from a city famous for its .25 (I just learned that term last week), I proudly introduce you to:
GT: Miana! My long, lost friend. I miss you. I'm sure most people can tell by looking at your adorable pictures, but can you tell everyone your breed?
GT: And how old are you?
Miana: I am 9 years old. . .getting up there.
GT: How did your family find you?
GT: So if your mom got your from the pound, how long have you been with your family?
Miana: I have been with them 6 years and I have been the love of my mom's life since she first saw me. She found me at the pound after I had been left tied up in freezing cold weather and without any shelter. A nice animal control officer jumped the fence and took me away from that awful place. From then on, my family has loved me and spoiled me rotten.
GT: Where all have you lived besides New Orleans?
Miana: Oh boy. . .I'm quite the traveler. I've lived in California, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Georgia and Japan.
GT: What about brothers and sisters?
Miana: I have one sister, Franceska, and 3 brothers, Shorty, Tomas and Mangum (they are cats). I also have many foster brothers and sisters.

GT: Oh yea, I doggie sat for you and your foster siblings for 2 weeks one Christmas. Remember that? It was you, Franceska, Sunabe, Petey, Daisy and Mac, Maude and Duncan.
Miana: Yea, that was crazy. Me and Mac. . .we had to keep control of that wild crew.
GT: Oh, like you and Mac were angels. You both fed off each other come food time. Speaking of which. . .what is your best trick, Miss Miana?
Miana: Telling time!! I know when it is exactly 4:30 and time to eat.
GT: Oh yes. How could I forget. I think you go into some hypoglycemic type seizure if you aren't fed at 4:30 on the dot.
GT: Who is your best friend?
Miana: My mom (I didn't really say that. . .she just wrote it).
GT: Do you have a favorite food?
Miana: I'll eat anything.
GT: Miana, do you have any bad habits?
Miana: I'd like to plead the 5th on this one.
GT: No seriously, Miana. Please share with us.
Miana: This is so embarrassing. My mom says flatulence. It's a big word for little ole me, and I went years thinking it meant 'world's best dog' but I've recently been told that I have bad gas. I'm also told that I snore (I didn't know this either. . .I'm asleep when it happens) and. . .I really don't know why my mom is humilating me so much, but apparently those cakes I see in the kitty litter box aren't really for me.
GT: Oh boy. . .yea, you've really racked it up in the worst habit category.
GT: Do you have any pet peeves?
Miana: Definitely my sister, Franceska. And my mom making our adopted dogs wearing those wife beater t-shirts that say, 'adopt me'. That is pretty mortifying too.
GT: What are your nicknames Miana?
Miana: Na-Na, Me-Me, Miata or Miliana.
GT: What is one word to describe you?
Miana: Tolerant (and believe me, with all those foster pets running around. . . I am VERY tolerant)
GT: Do you have a favorite walk?
GT: What about a favorite toy?
Miana: I love my rope and I especially like it when people want to play tug of war with me.
GT: Is there anything else you'd like everyone to know?
Miana: Yea, one last thing. Please adopt a shelter or animal rescue and have all your pets spayed or neutered.
GT: Thank you Bob Barker. You know, I think your mom should name your next dog Bob. I still remember the bumper sticker on your mom's car in Japan. "Don't breed or buy while other pets die."
Miana: Yep. . .that's my mom!

i will check this blog weekly now that i know about it... what a sweet baby this weeks "MOnday's Mutt" is... and i am SOOOO happy that he is a shelter dog. I am the Pres of the Juneau Humane Society,so i love seeing pets go to loving homes. Sweet baby!!!
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